How to connect my Zoom account?
Integrating your Zoom account into Salescaling is a very simple and quick process. First of all, it should be noted that the integration occurs individually per user, that is, each user who wants to record their Zoom meetings must follow the procedure described below: Step 1: Go to the Integrations Settings page Step 2: Click on the Zoom “Connect” button: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/19Some readersZoom Usage
The Zoom application is widely known for providing, among other features, an easy and convenient way to hold online meetings. For this reason, at Salescaling we integrate the option to connect your Zoom meetings with our platform, so that you can use our tool with your Zoom calls. We need you to connect your Zoom account in case you want our platform to process your meetings held through this application. To do this, you can follow the these steps (/en/article/how-to-connect-my-zoom-accounFew readersHow to disconnect my Zoom account?
If you would like to remove the integration between Salescaling and Zoom and ensure that our bot no longer joins any of your Zoom meetings, you can follow the steps below: Step 1: Go to the Integrations Settings page Step 2: Click the “Disconnect” button in the Zoom integration: Step 3: Go to the app installations page (httFew readers