Setting Up
Salescaling becomes more efficient when synced with tools like calendars and CRMs. For Google or Microsoft Calendar integrations, meetings are synced automatically, enabling Salescaling to record via Google Meet or Microsoft Teams and analyse them without extra steps. HubSpot integration reflects meeting interactions in your CRM, allowing you to track client progress and review meeting effectiveness. To integrate these tools, go to Settings Integrations, select your tool, authenFew readersSetting up meetings
In Salescaling, you can customise the bots that join your meetings to record and transcribe them according to your preferences. Here's how to adjust bot messages, audios, images, and transcription languages. Bot Configuration When a Salescaling bot enters a meeting to record it, you can set a welcome message for attendees, ensuring everyone is informed that the session is being recorded. Go to the Settings section from the sidebar. Select Meetings and look for the option to customise thFew readers
Registration and log in
To sign up and start using Salescaling, you simply need an active Google or Microsoft account linked to your company. Choose the Google or Microsoft account you'd like to associate with our platform. Salescaling will automatically identify your account's domain to link you with the relevant organisation, so no extra details are required. After authentication, you'll enterSome readersNavigate Salescaling
When you first access Salescaling, you'll find that the platform is designed for ease of use, with everything just a few clicks away. This article explains how to navigate and access key features to optimise meeting and sales management. Sidebar Navigation Menu The navigation menu is your gateway to all important sections of the platform. You'll find it on the left-hand side of the screen, containing the following options: ( readersWhat is Salescaling?
Salescaling is a revolutionary SaaS platform that enhances your sales performance by recording, transcribing, and analysing every sales call. Using AI, Salescaling extracts valuable insights from customer interactions, offering personalised feedback based on real-life examples from your calls and your team's. Salescaling not only boosts the productivity of your sales team but also drives continuous improvement through detailed analyses that facilitate strategic decision-making, ensuring a more eSome readers